Ethnic people - Photo Shoot for Automotive Software development

  • Casting ID: 5002
  • Pentru proiect: Software
  • Se cauta: Passengers/Drivers / Personaj: Test
  • Interval de vârstă: 18 - 70 ani
  • Perioada de desfășurare: Lu 10.mar.2025 - Mi 2.apr.2025
  • Durata: 1 zi
  • Locul de desfasurare: Bucuresti
  • Remuneratie: 300 RON/zi NET
  • Angajator:
Detalii suplimentare:

We are looking for people aged 18-70 years, any ethnicity (Asians, Indians, AfrosHispanics, etc) to take part in a photo shoot (in Bucharest).


The photos & videos will NOT be broadcast in the public space. 

The project consists of several mini-scenarios, made in a stationary car. 

The selected persons will take different actions in the car,

 for example, looking in different directions, covering one eye with one hand, mimicking some emotions (sad, happy, upset, angry, etc),

mimicking phone talking.

Duration: One day for only 3 hours in the next period 10 March - 02 April 2025. In Bucharest.

(Except for legal holidays and weekends, when no work is performed.)

Fee: 300/LEI (paid after the job is done)

* People applying online will be called in the next few days to determine the day they are available.

Fundamental: knowledge of English and/or Romanian (to understand the demands on location)

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